What I Miss

Unmasked faces


The progression from frown to grin

Lips, mouth and teeth form

That uniquely human expression of joy

Beyond borders, beyond cultures

We all smile in the same language 

But now

We’re forced to rely on eyes alone

And struggle to read what’s hidden 

Smiles like these.

Human touch 


Playful, chaste, sensual

The best ones are grounding and deeply fulfilling

Goodbye hugs,

Welcome home hugs

Melting into one another hugs

Breathe in the scent of skin and hair

As you pull each other close

But now

Break the six foot barrier

And you’re a vector of death and disease


Like the opposite end of a magnet

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About Louie Ferrera

I've always loved to write. I'll often bring a journal to record my thoughts and observations when I'm out in nature. I've done some international travel and have always kept a journal on my trips. As a musician, I've been writing songs for over 25 years. I recently completed a creative writing class at the local junior college. This class got me reenergized about writing. I decided that I wanted to share my writing with a wider audience, not just friends and family. So here it is, my maiden voyage into the world of blogging. If you like what you read, leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you.