Let It Rain

Let it rain

Cats and dogs, pigs and frogs

Oodles, puddles, gushers, mushers

Let it flow

Meander, tumble, rumble

A cascade parade

Buckets, sheets, fill the streets

Let it pour

More, more and more

Rivers, streams, dreams

A wonderful gullywashing downpour

A soaking baptism

A never-ending stream of cloud tears

A desperate weeping waterfall

Tumbling over a conical phantasm of endless umbrellas

Deflecting an infinite multitude of raindrops

The birds and bees, rocks and trees

Are arid and parched, brittle and baked

With all of my hydration imagination

Please let it rain

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About Louie Ferrera

I've always loved to write. I'll often bring a journal to record my thoughts and observations when I'm out in nature. I've done some international travel and have always kept a journal on my trips. As a musician, I've been writing songs for over 25 years. I recently completed a creative writing class at the local junior college. This class got me reenergized about writing. I decided that I wanted to share my writing with a wider audience, not just friends and family. So here it is, my maiden voyage into the world of blogging. If you like what you read, leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “Let It Rain

  1. May it be so! Wash the ashes off of everything!
    Thanks Louie! I think it could be a children’s book!

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